Guidelines to improve your customer management from minute one

Proper customer management not only helps improve the shopping experience, but also business results. Customer control involves much more than gaining their loyalty: it is a process that is integrated into the commercial strategy to optimize its activity and results. For this reason, in this article we will give some guidelines to improve customer management, how to face challenges effectively and the advantages of applying technology in this process.

In a company, creating a new customer is as important (or more so) as closing a sale with an existing one. Or at least it should be. And this conversion process begins before the visit. First impressions are important and, therefore, improving the pre-visit is just as useful as keeping track of sales visits correctly. In this way, we will be able to go from a contact to a buyer satisfied with our company and loyal to our products or services.

What is customer management

Customer management, as we have mentioned, has to do with the shopping experience, but it goes much further. It’s about knowing our audience, monitoring, measuring and classifying their behavior to have all the possible details about the prospects, so that we can offer them personalized experiences. This will not only exponentially increase the chances of successfully closing a sale, but we will also gain user loyalty in such a way that they become a prescriber of our brand.

To achieve this absolute knowledge, we must extract as much information as possible from each consumer, store it and analyze it in such a way that we can have useful data quickly, at any time and from anywhere.

How to optimize customer management from the start

Although each customer is unique and their purchase process will be different, there are a series of guidelines that will help you optimize customer control from minute one:

Know your prospects

How to properly serve your consumers if you do not know them? It attends to their likes, their problems, their needs and their objections and collects the valuable data. All this will give you a perspective of how to adapt to your prospects and how to offer them the solutions that best satisfy them. This will generate a bond of trust and improve our brand image.

Get the right information at the right time

The collection of valuable data is not achieved only by observing and asking our target audience (although it is an important part). It is also essential to report the data at the right time.

The commercial team that has an automated and permanently connected reporting system will be able to make reports of the visits even at the time they are being made. On-site reporting will make it easier to obtain the right information, at the right time and in the right place, making commercial work profitable.

Analyze the data

Analyzing and classifying the data of each visit is another good practice in customer management. Why? Because analyzing the variables and classifying the data will allow segmenting customers according to different criteria and phases of the strategy, as well as drawing conclusions from the statistics and improving decision-making.

Obtaining and analyzing data are two essential guidelines to find out what worries our consumers, what they want or need and when is the best time to offer it. It will also serve to set goals, check what is working and keep track of KPIs and the achievement of objectives.

Personalize interactions

Once we understand what our users are like, we have to demonstrate it. To do this, reinforcing the pre-visit and having all the information about a client before holding the meeting will be of great help. In this way we will be able to individualize the treatment with each client and personalize the interactions, knowing how we can help solve their concerns and offer unique and adapted solutions (for example, with specific offers, related sale products and even personalized catalogs, among others).